Jean Su is the Energy Director of the Climate Law Institute and a Staff Attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, where she specializes in energy, just transition, and climate change issues through creative litigation and campaigning.  Jean’s work focuses on growing access to renewable energy, including challenging discriminatory behavior against distributed solar energy, as well as phasing out fossil fuel production on both a U.S. and international level.  In addition, Jean works to protect imperiled wildlife, including through litigation challenging the U.S.-Mexico border wall construction and commercial trapping of predator species.  Prior to joining the Center, Jean practiced as a renewable energy project finance attorney with Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP in Singapore and Los Angeles, a management consultant focused on climate change with McKinsey & Company in China, and a development worker with CARE International in Madagascar.  She received her B.A. from Princeton University in public and international affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School, M.Sc. in development studies from the London School of Economics, and J.D. as an inaugural class member of the University of California, Irvine School of Law.  She can be reached at and @ajeansu on Twitter.